CHI Services

general_consult.svg General Consult Discuss with CHI about your data, technology development, or data analysis needs. We have Epic-certified analysts, application developers and data scientists on staff, along with closely aligned data science faculty. From study design, to designing ways for more effective utilization of biohealth data, to enhancing your grant submissions, our integrated group in Biomedical Informatics can help enhancing your biohealth data science. If you are a student, we can provide certain subsidized services, see Terms of Service. More info
cohort_identification_consult.svg Cohort Identification Consult CHI can help to identify strategies for defining study cohorts and participants by querying patient data in clinical systems. We can help you design a customized approach that meets your needs to recruit subjects for research or clinical trials. Because research studies and clinical trials vary immensely, a consultation is a good way to help you identify the best tools for recruitment. We work closely with the Office of Research and the IRB to ensure patient privacy and research compliance. More info
study_feasability.svg Protocol Feasibility Consult CHI provides precursory reviews of IRB protocols from a data perspective to assess study feasibility. The Privacy Rule (HIPAA) allows for review of data in preparation for protocol development. More info
data_for_grant.svg Data for Grant Submission Data-intensive grants increasingly require demonstrated expertise in data science and robust data analysis plans. CHI can increase competitiveness of funding proposals by providing expertise for data acquisition, utilization, and analysis, as well as technology development and compliant data practices. In addition, as part of BMI, CHI can serve as a liaison with over 30 biomedical informatics faculty and our other closely aligned shared facilities (Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, and Data and Technology Services at CCHMC). More info