CHI Services

data_deidentified.svg UCH Epic Cosmos Epic Cosmos is a collaborative dataset created by Epic Systems, involving a community of health systems. It aims to improve patient care by combining data from participating organizations to make new discoveries and advance medicine. Cosmos integrates both inpatient and outpatient records into a comprehensive, longitudinal record, including diagnoses, medications, and patient-generated data. This dataset supports clinicians by providing insights tailored to individual patients, facilitating evidence-based care, and enabling collaboration on rare conditions. Cosmos includes data from over 289 million patients and 1,626 hospitals. More info
general_consult.svg General Consult Discussion with CHI about your data, technology development, or data analysis needs. We have Epic-certified analysts, application developers and data scientists on staff, along with closely aligned data science faculty. From study design, to designing ways for more effective utilization of biohealth data, to enhancing your grant submissions, our integrated group in Biomedical Informatics can help enhancing your biohealth data science. If you are a student, we can provide certain subsidized services, see Terms of Service. More info
trinetx.svg Study Feasibility using TriNetX UC/UC Health is part of the TriNetX platform. Each month, the CHI updates the TriNetX with updated data collected in Epic. TriNetX is a self-service tool for querying UC Health’s patient population and cohort identification by building queries with the specific inclusion/exclusion criteria. This can be translated to subject recruitment activities by sharing your query with the CHI who can reverse-engineer queries on the UC Health network for identifiable data, contingent on individual IRB approvals. This is common for sponsored studies where the pharma or CRO already wrote the query - that's how they know we have the patients that meet the criteria. No patient details are presented in TriNetX, only 'counts' of those that meet criteria. More info
slicer_dicer.svg Study Feasibility using SlicerDicer Used primarily by clinicians, Epic's SlicerDicer tool provides a way to identify study participant cohorts. SlicerDicer allows clinicians to define query data from patients they care for in their own clinic. The CHI can supply OTHER provider's patients' MRNs for research purposes by simply sharing your saved query with us. More info
study_feasability_epic.svg Study Feasibility directly from Epic In some cases, the TriNetX tool does not have the specific data elements needed to find how many patients we have with certain criteria. The CHI can drill down into the Epic data model and find almost anything you need. This process is more involved than TriNetX and takes a few more days. More info
data_fully_identified.svg Clinical Data Extractions: FULLY Identified Data Sets CHI can provide fully identified data sets from UC Health’s Epic Electronic Health System and other clinical systems for research use. Fully identified data sets can include HIPAA identifiers that requires an approved IRB protocol. More info
data_limited.svg Clinical Data Extractions: LIMITED Data Sets CHI can provide data sets from UC Health’s Epic Electronic Health System and other clinical systems for research use. Limited datasets include exact dates and zip codes but are otherwise de-identified. Limited datasets require a Data Use Agreement but not an IRB protocol. More info
data_deidentified.svg Clinical Data Extractions: DE-IDENTIFIED Data Sets CHI can provide de-identified data sets from UC Health’s Epic Electronic Health System and other clinical systems for research use. De-identified data sets have been stripped of all HIPAA identifiers and typically do not require an IRB protocol. More info
data_fully_identified.svg UC Cancer Center: Data or Dashboard Request CHI can provide UC Cancer Center members access to various data sources, encompassing identified and de-identified information from UC Health's Epic Electronic Health System and other clinical systems for research purposes. Fully identified datasets contain HIPAA identifiers and require an approved IRB protocol. More info